Saturday, March 9, 2013

Beautiful Stories

Sleepless nights have been a norm around here recently.  Marguerite has had some sleep regression and Aurelia spent a night in the ER.  The long and short of it is that she had a few febrile seizures which are terrifying to watch, but most likely not damaging to her.  But I don't want to talk about seizures or sickness.  It's a beautiful day here.  And while I'm holed up with a sick child and a grumpy baby, I'd rather celebrate some of life's beautiful stories.  

Please read THIS lovely article about our friend and her husband.  Talk about redemption and beauty all rolled into a fantastic love story!  First Baptist Church Liberty City, Bro. Bruce Wells, and this family hold a special place in our hearts.  How fun to read about them all in the NY Times.

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