I want to talk about the girl who is currently flipping through her favorite periodical, Aviation Week and Space Technology,
The kid that who signs "more" and then wiggles her shoulders signifying music first thing each morning,
Whose favorite songs are Stompy The Bear by Caspar Babypants and If You're Happy and You Know It Stomp Your Feet (she loves to stomp),
Who had to have her cowgirl boots hidden from her because her orthotics don't fit in them,
The kid who would live in the pool,
And will eat a whole tomato for lunch,
And loves to wake up slow and snuggle each morning,
Whose favorite outfit is her rainbow leggings and a patagonia t-shirt (ok, maybe that's more my favorite outfit 'cause she would be happy to wear pjs all day every day and throws a conniption fit when it's time to get dressed each morning),
The kid who loves giving kisses and waving hi and bye,
The little lady who first called me, "Mama,"
And helped heal some of the parts of my heart that were hurting,
Today I celebrate Kid A who is full of joy, smiles, and wiggles.